speicherstadtmuseum tickets

The objects and text relates to the development the trade of the harbour over the years, while there are multiple objects there is limited translation in English making a bit difficult to see the full value of the ticket.price as you could clear this in about 10 to 20 minutes.I’m glad it was only €4 per adult but a free coffee/tea should have been part of the price. April 2020, 18.00 bis 2.00 Uhr. Children under the age of 6 can enter free of charge.

Discover Hamburg's World Cultural Heritage! Zentrales Thema des Speicherstadtmuseums ist die Speicherarbeit. Guests will learn all about the growth and development of the district, its history as a hub of the coffee, tea, and cocoa trade, and its recent decline and redevelopment.From March to October the museum is open from 10 am to 5 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 6 pm on weekends and public holidays. However, the significance of this warehouse area to Hamburg’s heritage deserves so much more in terms of scale and scope.Serves a very interesting and useful introduction to the area and the history of Hamburg.

In 90 süßen Minuten erleben und erschmecken Sie, wie aus Kakaobohnen feinste Schokolade wird.Freie Fahrt mit Bus & Bahn sowie ermäßigter Eintritt bei über 150 Angeboten.Wunschhotel, Frühstück und Hamburg CARD inklusive.Die schönsten Musicals in Hamburg finden Sie hier.40 Theater, 60 Museen, 100 Clubs. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund.What hotels are near Speicherstadtmuseum?What restaurants are near Speicherstadtmuseum?Are the prices for this place or activity,Is this a place or activity you would go to on a,Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for,Am Sandtorkai 36 Freihafen, 20457 Hamburg Germany,Its quite interesting to see what they have done to the old storage warehouses over the years, You can get guides to take you thought the history of the place explaining what it usd to be and its amazing what it is today.We spent an hour in this small museum and it was informative as far as it went. Made with love in Vienna. Mai 1995 bis heute. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund.What hotels are near Speicherstadtmuseum?What restaurants are near Speicherstadtmuseum?Continue your visit to www.tripadvisor.ie,Are the prices for this place or activity,Is this a place or activity you would go to on a,Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for,Am Sandtorkai 36 Freihafen, 20457 Hamburg Germany,Its quite interesting to see what they have done to the old storage warehouses over the years, You can get guides to take you thought the history of the place explaining what it usd to be and its amazing what it is today.We spent an hour in this small museum and it was informative as far as it went. Im authentischen Rahmen eines Speicherblocks von 1888 wird veranschaulicht, wie die Quartiersleute früher hochwertige Importgüter gelagert, begutachtet und veredelt haben. Und noch viel mehr! There are other public car parks nearby which charge a fee.Compare prices for more top sights in Hamburg:© 2019-2020 TicketLens GmbH. Bitte korrigieren Sie die Eingabe.Das Startdatum muss vor dem Enddatum liegen.Bitte wählen Sie mindestens eine Kategorie / einen Ort aus.© hamburg.de | Alle Rechte vorbehalten - Vervielfältigung nur mit unserer Genehmigung | * Über die Einbindung dieses Angebots erhalten wir beim Kauf möglicherweise eine Provision vom Händler. Zu den Tickets. Lange Nacht der Museen „Kaufmannswelten - 25 Jahre Speicherstadtmuseum“ Samstag, den 25. Join your fellow mariners as you set sail on the calm waters, and fantastic views of city landmarks, verdant parks, and one of the biggest churches in the city. Speicherstadt – Hamburgs Welterbe Speicherstadt - Die Entdeckertour für Kinder Grüne, weiße und schwarze Tees Kaffee – Die ganze Vielfalt der Aromen Kriminächte im Speicherstadtmuseum.

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