welthungerhilfe shop

A country with huge problems requires big solutions. Welthungerhilfe supports the improvement of living conditions on site. Gleichzeitig k\u00e4mpfen Einheimischen gegen den Hunger.\n\naktive Projekte: 30\neingesetzte Mittel in 2019: 5,39 m. \u20ac\nerreichte Menschen in 2019: 80.000"},{"iso":"CD","uid":201,"title":"Demokratische Republik Kongo","url":"https:\/\/www.welthungerhilfe.de\/informieren\/laender\/demokratische-republik-kongo\/","text":"Kongo ist eines der rohstoffreichsten L\u00e4nder Afrikas und gleichzeitig eines der \u00e4rmsten weltweit. Seit 2013 herrscht B\u00fcrgerkrieg und viele Menschen sind auf Hilfe angewiesen.\n\naktive Projekte: 24\neingesetzte Mittel in 2019: 40,58 m. \u20ac\nerreichte Menschen in 2019: 620.000"},{"iso":"XS","uid":222,"title":"Somaliland","url":"https:\/\/www.welthungerhilfe.de\/informieren\/laender\/somaliland\/","text":"Somaliland strebt nach Unabh\u00e4ngigkeit, doch trotz relativer Stabilit\u00e4t ist der De-Fakto-Staat von Armut und Hunger betroffen.\n\naktive Projekte: 11\neingesetzte Mittel in 2019: 3,83 m. \u20ac\nerreichte Menschen in 2019: 80.000"},{"iso":"UG","uid":225,"title":"Uganda","url":"https:\/\/www.welthungerhilfe.de\/informieren\/laender\/uganda\/","text":"D\u00fcrre, Ernteausf\u00e4lle und kriegerische Konflikte erschweren das Leben in Uganda. How our projects help. Reasons are political instability and war.\n\ncurrent projects: 20\nfunding in 2019: 8.02 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 850,000"},{"iso":"ET","uid":1627,"title":"Ethiopia","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/ethiopia\/","text":"Famines threaten the country frequently. \n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in 2019: 4.81 m. \u20ac\npeople reached in 2019: 670,000"},{"iso":"KH","uid":1637,"title":"Cambodia","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/cambodia\/","text":"Dispossessed of and displaced from their land, countless smallholders fall victim to landgrabs. See, what Welthungerhilfe is doing.Millions of people in Iraq are still dependent on humanitarian assistance.

Malnutrition is a serious obstacle, especially for children.\n\ncurrent projects: 16\nfunding in 2019: 2.40 m. \u20ac\npeople reached in 2019: 365,000"},{"iso":"NE","uid":1648,"title":"Niger","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/niger\/","text":"The population of the desert state Niger suffers from long periods of drought. The majority of the population lives from agriculture.\n\ncurrent projects: 9\nfunding in 2019: 3.74 m. \u20ac\nreached people in 2019: 65,000"},{"iso":"LBN","uid":3204,"title":"Libanon","url":"https:\/\/www.welthungerhilfe.de\/informieren\/laender\/libanon\/","text":"Der Libanon leidet unter einer wirtschaftlichen und politischen Krise. For the children, Welthungerhilfe's support means a chance of improved physical and mental development.Welthungerhilfe bases its efforts on the principle of help for self-help, which it implements with measures ranging from rapid disaster relief to rehabilitation to long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organisations.Welthungerhilfe is recognised as a non-profit organisation by the German tax office; it is exempt from income taxes.
Welthungerhilfe educates people about their rights.How Welthungerhilfe supports refugees in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.Water and Medical Aid During Droughts in Ethiopia.Every second citizen in the Central African Republic relies on humanitarian aid. \n\ncurrent projects: 9\nfunding in 2019: 5.18 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 120,000"},{"iso":"CD","uid":1632,"title":"Democratic Republic of Congo","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/democratic-republic-of-congo\/","text":"DR Congo is one of the world’s poorest country despite its wealth of natural resources. The Welthungerhilfe helps locally. \n\ncurrent projects: 14\nfunding in 2019: 3.23 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 60,000"},{"iso":"NP","uid":1647,"title":"Nepal","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/nepal\/","text":"Around 7 million people in Nepal are living below the national poverty line.

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