detention demurrage

We can help you avoid delayed shipping in December.Leave your business in our hands this year 2020, and we’d deliver, be it Import, Export, Freight Forwarding.Do you like this Post? Thank you.Hello everyone I would like to ask if import cargo arrived and custom officials are not clear for clarification of goods then they drew samples on that case shipping line can agree more free days if they announced 14 free days if yes please suggest me the way ?Detention is charge levied by SHIPPING LINE for not returning it back post free time. There is indeed a lot of misconception about detention and demurrage.Hello Caljon, thank you for your kind words.. Tag: 105 € 40’DC / HC / 45′ 5 Tage: 6. In order to obtain an overview of current Hapag-Lloyd detention & demurrage tariff information, please select a country from the list. May I please have your view on this. Just thought of pointing out for all the readers that the terms Demurrage and Damages for Detention may also have other meanings in other business areas such as in Bulk Chartering as you have rightly pointed out elsewhere.Hi Ajit, I have responded to this question as a post.You are most welcome Wubshet, glad that this article could be of help..nice note. finally negotiating with liner for free days extension from 14 to 21 days and even in container freight station free days extended from 3 to 14 days. To avoid such situation, the shipping line try to negotiate with customer to settle in an amicable way rather than pushing it for long stay.Whenever any service is given to someone, some charges or amount is involve in it, to collect that amount debit note is prepared on behalf of it we will paid for that service.
This does not apply of course to natural causes, strikes, lock outs etc etc.How is Detetion assessed in case of loading and discharging of dry/wet bulk cargoes.So in effect Demurrage & Detention is the same….Well we could call it that yes.. Only difference could be that demurrage and detention charges may be different depending upon the shipping line.. The allotted days are days that the shipper has to keep their cargo at the port on arrival at the port of destination.Within the “free days”, the shipper is allowed to keep their cargo for free. local information.We use cookies as a fundamental part of our interaction with our users’ browsers.Terminals, Restrictions, Free Time, Local Surcharges, Office Calendar,Demurrage & Detention Free Time and Charges (Benelux). Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

Arrestraum in Universitäten u. G…,de•ten•tion /d{I}'ten{phon_caps}n/ noun 1 [U] the state of being kept in a place, especi,NS-Terminus offizielle Definition laut ITS glossary (international tracing service) Konsta…,Penalties include detention in a reform school, which can be applicable to minors of all age…,After school, all my friends went home but i stayed for detention. In any shipment – storage, demurrage and detention all three may be applicable..For example you could not clear the cargo from port because you didn’t get your shipping documents in time.. Say the clearance was delayed by 15 days and the delay overran the free days offered by the port (say 5 days) and the free days offered by the line (say 10 days).. You would then have to pay 10 days port storage to the port and 5 days demurrage to the line.. Now assume your unpacking was delayed and you returned the empty after 5 days..

At the end of these free days, demurrage begins to accrue, if cargo is not moved out.The levy counts because the cargo or container are stocked under the control of the shipping line since the free period is over until they are picked/moved from the terminal.Demurrage in export is, on the other side, a levy issued when an export container being returned to the shipping line cannot be moved out due to unforeseen circumstances.So to cater for the upkeep period the container/cargo would be at the port till it is boarded, demurrage is usually issued.For example, a container is discharged off a ship on the 1st of July.

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